The data are given as ad indication and our Company is entitled to modify the described machines at any time, owing to technical or commercial reasons.

FLEXICOM 400 and 800 are used for high speed scouring and milling processes in various combinations for fabrics made of wool and blends from 100 to 1200 gms/m2.

Ability to process even the most difficult fabrics in rope form.

Achievement of high milling percentages (up to 45%).

Reduction of up to 70/80% of traditional separate scouring and milling processing times.

Remarka-ble savings in chemicals and water due to a particularly efficient double outlet scouring system.

Moving, swelling and opening of fabric creases by a powerful air jet system.

Self contained trough with up to 400 and 800 Kgs capacity (dry weight) with all internal parts in stainless steel. Minimum load: 15 kgs each channel (samples, single pieces, etc.).

Sliding doors with all external parts and locks in stainless steel.

2 and 4 separate channels with independent warp and weft milling control.

3 safety devices which automatically stop the machine and immediately lift the top rollers should knots, irregular thickenings or breaks in the seams occur on the fabric.

2 and 4 electronic devices to detect slippages between cloth and rollers, each channel having an independent signal.

Electronic length measurement device, very precise.

Unloading device in stainless steel to simultaneously unload all ropes via a winch at a speed of approx. 60 mts/min.

Automatic device to preset and control water levels in scouring and rinsing baths.

Electronic equipment to control and maintain baths' temperature.

Double device for spraying solutions, either dilute or concentrate, allowing a very uniform distribution of milling agents, including a 350 and 650 lts stainless steel solutions tank.

Front panel with all machine controls including a synoptic quadrant with light signals allowing visual cheks of working parts.

Electric, electronic, electro-pneumatic and thermal-hydraulic control equipments which, due to the considerable automation of these machines, have been rigourously studied and tested.

The machines are already prepared for the installation of a complete process automation.

Main control by Direct Current motor, of adequate power, allowing speed variation of milling rollers from 0 to 400 (FL400) and 300 mts/min (FL800). Pendular reducer in oil bath.

Air jet system which moves the fabric within the trough and also opens the fabric to avoid creasing. This system is powered by a high capacity centrifugal fan with sets of suitably directed air nozzles. All system is made in stainless steel.

New: On demand, the machines are supplied fully equipped with patented device for continuous measuring of milling process in each channel, through sensor/magnet, enabling to constantly control the shrinkage in length of fabrics during the whole process, with automatic stop once the required final measure has been reached.

Particular of upper roller
4 upper rollers mounted on a shaft devided into two parts. This special construction enables a regular forward motion of the fabric in every milling channel, even with lo pressure between the rollers.

Combined scouring and milling machine with 2 or 4 independent channels.

High speed rope scouring machine.

High speed discontinuous open width washing machine.

High-speed scouring/softening/drying machine for woven and knitted fabrics in rope form.

Continuous open width washing machine.

Fulling machine.

Lags and pins for tearing machines.